
The Rise of Endymion [ang.]

Tyt. przekł. pol.: "Triumf Endymiona ".

Autor: Simmons, Dan

The time of reckoning has arrived. As a final genocidal Crusade threatens to enslave humanity forever, a new messiah has come of age. She is Aenea and she has undergone a strange apprenticeship to those known as the Others. Now her protector, Raul Endymion, one-time shepherd and convicted murderer, must help her deliver her startling message to her growing army of disciples.But first they must embark on a final spectacular mission to discover the underlying meaning of the universe itself. They

have been followed on their journey by the mysterious Shrike--monster, angel, killing machine--who is about to reveal the long-held secret of its origin and purpose. And on the planet of Hyperion, where the story first began, the final revelation will be delivered--an apocalyptic message that unlocks the secrets of existence and the fate of humankind in the galaxy.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Dan Simmons.
Seria:Hyperion Cantos / Dan Simmons : 4
Hasła:Powieść amerykańska - 20 w.
Adres wydawniczy:New York [etc.] : Bantam Books, 1998.
Opis fizyczny:[10], 709, [1] s. ; 18 cm.
Powiązane zestawienia:Książki w języku angielskim
Space opera
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Sygnatura: 821-3 amer. F.
Numer inw.: 537
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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