
Everything Dogs [ang.]

Autor: Baines, Rebecca.

Meet golden retrievers and toy poodles, mixed-up mutts and cute little puppies, and many more of your favourite canine companions. Jump into facts about where dogs come from, why they bark, and how they communicate. Find out why dogs hide bones, why they roll in dirt, and how they likely spend their day. Meet wild members of the dog family. And take a quiz to figure out what type of furry friend is right for you. Than test your dog smarts to see what you have learned. Everything? Way to go! Now you are the dog expert!

Odpowiedzialność:Becky Baines with dr. Gary Weitzman.
Seria:National Geographic Kids
Adres wydawniczy:Washington : National Geographic, copyright © 2012.
Opis fizyczny:64 strony : ilustracje kolorowe ; 28 cm.
Twórcy:Tharp, Jason. Ilustrator

Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Sygnatura: 636(02.053.2)
Numer inw.: 13331
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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