
My other life (ang.)

Autor: Ho-Yen, Polly.

Mae spends a lot of time in hospitals. She`s had asthma since she was little and sometimes she just can`t breathe. She was in hospital the very first time she saw the hole - a tear in the universe which seems to appear only to her. Before she knows it she is drawn into a parallel world, where things aren`t quite the same...This powerful fantasy story is full of big ideas and a great way to talk about chronic illness with children. It has beautiful black-and-white illustrations from Patricia Hu throughout, and is ideal for children who are developing as readers.

Odpowiedzialność:Polly Ho-Yen ; illustrated by Patrcia Hu.
Seria:Bloomsbury Readers. Book Band: Brown
Hasła:Astma oskrzelowa
Dziecko chore
Powieść obyczajowe
Literatura angielska
Adres wydawniczy:London : Bloomsbury Education, copyright 2020.
Opis fizyczny:92, [4] strony : ilustracje ; 20 cm.
Uwagi:Tekst w języku angielskim.
Forma gatunek:Książki. Proza.
Powstanie dzieła:2020 r.
Twórcy:Hu, Patricia. . Ilustrator

Odbiorcy:Dzieci. 6-8 lat.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Sygnatura: II
Numer inw.: 21265
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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